1994 Camry Dark Emerald Pearl
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(Dark Emerald Pearl : Toyota : 1991 - 2000)
This green automotive paint color is most commonly known as Dark Emerald Pearl. Other common color promotional names include Dark Emerald Green and Dark Green. The color formulation has been used between 1991 and 2000, primarily by Toyota; but also by Lexus. We have records of this color appearing on the following models: Land Cruiser, Corolla, and MR2. See the full detailed list below.

The short make/year code for this paint on a 95453 in 1994, is 6M1. Careful when using this paint code along with the make and year to specify this paint since it is may not be unique. You can check the paint code here:

Example of 1994 Camry Dark Emerald Pearl
1994 Camry Dark Emerald Pearl
See more information on "1994 Camry Dark Emerald Pearl"
or see paints with short model/year code of : 6M1
or See all paints named "Dark Emerald Pearl" or "Dark" or "Emerald" or "Pearl"

Usage list 1994 Camry Dark Emerald Pearl paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1991Dark Green|Autocolor CT Colour Register Nov 2011|
1992LexusLexus6M1Dark Emerald PearlES300
1992Toyota6M1Dark Emerald PearlCamry Lexus ES300
1992ToyotaCamry6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1993LexusLexus6M1Dark Emerald PearlES300
1993Toyota6M1Dark Emerald PearlCamry Landcruiser Lexus ES300
1993ToyotaCamry6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1993ToyotaLand Cruiser6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1994LexusLexus6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1994Toyota6M1Dark Emerald PearlCamry Landcruiser MR2 Lexus
1994ToyotaCamry6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1994ToyotaLand Cruiser6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1994ToyotaMR26M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1995LexusLexus6M1Dark Emerald PearlGS300 SC400
1995Toyota6M1Dark Emerald PearlCamry Landcruiser Lexus GS300 SC400 MR2
1995ToyotaCamry6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1995ToyotaLand Cruiser6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1995ToyotaMR26M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1996LexusLexus6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1996Toyota6M1Dark Emerald PearlCamry Landcruiser Lexus
1996ToyotaCamry6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1996ToyotaLand Cruiser6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1997LexusLexus6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1997Toyota6M1Dark Emerald PearlCorolla Landcruiser Lexus
1997ToyotaCorolla6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1997ToyotaLand Cruiser6M1Dark Emerald Pearl
1999Toyota6M1Dark Emerald GreenCorolla
1999ToyotaCorolla6M1Dark Emerald Green
2000Toyota6M1Dark Emerald GreenCorolla
2000ToyotaCorolla6M1Dark Emerald Green

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : 6M1
PPG/Ditzler : 4595
Dupont : W9542
RM/BASF : 22312
Glasurit : TOY-6M1, TOY6M1
Autocolor ICI Nexa : PM72B

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